Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Mission

Should you choose to accept it! is to have at least 1 Canadian Wheat and Gluten Free Bakery and 1 American Wheat and Gluten Free Bakery - to bake for us and distribute us across each of their countries. We'd like to have our energy cookies available to the public through supermarkets by Spring of 2010!

Wish Us Luck! and Happy Snacking!

Trade Shows

So here's what 2 Girls and an Oven has on the event books for 2009: Women's Lifestyle Show March 21 and 22nd in London Ontario. The Yoga & Pilates Conference in Toronto April 2-5th, 2009. Canadian Health Food Show in Toronto - yet to be booked for October 1 and 2nd, 2009...
This is our quest for world snack domination! Wish us luck!