Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Flavours, We've got Flavours

Our original cookie is called the Prana Energy Cookie, packed full of cranberries, raisins, toasted walnuts, hazelnuts, flax seed, hemp seed and hemp protein. Then it occurred to me that the Peanut Butter Cookie I loved from childhood needed to be revisited. It craved a purpose...that's when we developed the Namaste Energy Cookie, a grown up spin on the peanut butter cookie. Walking down the cookie aisle at the grocery store, I stopped to look at the ever popular oatmeal and raisin cookies.. I love oatmeal but being celiac means that it may bother me... what alternative do I have I asked.... I found a local CANADIAN pure oat farm and developed the Karma Energy Cookie. But what's an oatmeal cookie without chocolate chips? so this cookie was followed by Buddha's Delight and the rest is history.

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